cybersecurity or cyber security

Cybersecurity Or Cyber Security

Cybersecurity or Cyber Security? Have you seen the different spellings between the two?

At first, it may seem like there’s no one right spelling. There’s “cyber security” and “cyber-security.” And a perfect merge of two, “cybersecurity.”

Even if you type each, tons of things pop up. With the addition of all three grammars.

But, why are there so many spellings? When they all expect the same thing?

To separate or not to leave. That is the question.

What is Cybersecurity or Cyber Security?

Before we read about its spellings, let’s define the term first.

Cybersecurity or cyber security is defending the whole data technology. It’s also a part of Information Security (InfoSec). And it secures the confidentiality, honesty, and availability of data.

It also includes methods and tools. So, organizations and individuals can develop their powers to stop events.

These effects may include any of the following:

  • cyberattacks
  • malware
  • malicious insider
  • outside hacker
  • IT systems failing
  • human failure

But, what really is the right grammar of the word or two terms?

Cybersecurity or Cyber Security: Down to the Basics

Some said that the spelling of cyber and its appendices depend on where you live. It can also depend on what you need to say. Or just the preference of your area.

We can see it as a composite word. And then see it hyphenated. Some references also try many ways to spell them. So, it may seem that all three cards are fair.

But, here’s the interesting bit. Both Merriam-Webster and Weboedia do not take “cyber security” as obvious. But, they saw compound one, “cybersecurity.”

In fact, GovTech stated that the single word is further used in Washington DC., The White House, and Washington Post. Even other data experts also use “cybersecurity” than “cyber security.”

Best Practices

As mentioned, cybersecurity has means that decrease cyber danger. Below are some of the best practices in cybersecurity.

Know Your Assets and Risks

It’s important to know what data is important to you. Then, you should view them as your assets.

Doing so will help you think of ways to preserve them. You can also learn what type of opportunities you are likely to.

Understand the New Tools

Now, you know the possible warnings. Next is to know what tools can help you.

For example, you can place anti-virus apps on your networks. Or put a firewall in your systems.

Update Daily

Having apps but not renewing them is broken. So, it’s critical to update apps daily.

This will help cover up certain gaps. So, it can proceed to defend your systems.

Backup Regularly

It’s also great to have a proper backup of your data. Doing so will help you keep them even after an event.

In businesses, it helps them grow immediately after a breach. For people, it helps us not forget everything after a hack.


Today, we’ve seen the evolution of the English dictionary. So, different spellings are considered fair in the business.

So, for now, we will hold to “cybersecurity.”

Now, we know about the history of the word. How can you follow cybersecurity?

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