information technology salary

Factors Affecting Information Technology Salary

Knowing the Information Technology salary is just one piece of the puzzle. It is also important to know how much things affect the salary of an IT professional

What is Information Technology?

Information technology or IT for short is the collection of hardware, software, networking components, and other technologies used to create, store, use, maintain, secure, and even dispose of information. This includes everything from the computer you are using to read this article to the networking equipment that makes it possible for you to connect with your home network or the Internet.

Information technology professionals are charged with keeping all these components up and running smoothly. They are often asked to design, develop and implement new solutions so that business can continue uninterrupted. This involves installing new servers, upgrading operating systems, and doing all manner of tasks that typically require an advanced degree.

Factors Affecting Information Technology Salary

The factors that affect IT salary are:


Male IT professionals have a higher salary than their female counterparts. The average salary of female IT professionals is $80,000 while that for males is $97,000.


The level of income also differs depending on the state or region where an individual lives. According to BLS, some of the highest-paying states are Washington with an average income of $112,330; California, $108,030; Massachusetts, $106,810; Maryland, $105,710; New Jersey, $105,250; and Virginia, $102,970. 


As with all other jobs in the market, IT professionals in different industries have different salaries. For instance, IT professionals working in the finance and insurance industry earn an average of $88,000 per year while those in the utility industry earn about $106,500 per year.

Employment Status

The type of employment also affects the IT professionals’ salary. For example, self-employed IT professionals make more money compared to their employed counterparts. The average annual salary of self-employed individuals is $110,000 while that of employed IT professionals is $94,000.

Education and Experience 

IT professionals who have a higher level of education and more years of experience make a higher salary. On average, those with a bachelor’s degree earn about $90,000 while those with a master’s degree make about $110,000. IT professionals with 5 to 10 years of experience earn $97,000 per year while those with 15 or more years of experience earn $120,100 per year.

Job Roles 

The type of job also affects the salary of an IT professional. For example, those working as computer systems analysts earn an average of $91,000 per year while those working as computer programmers earn an average of $89,000 per year.


The information technology industry is growing fast and is expected to grow even more in the coming years. With the growth potential, this industry presents an opportunity for people who are willing to take up careers in this field. 

They can expect a wide range of career opportunities and a high salary. However, they also have to be willing to work hard and learn new things continuously so that they can remain competitive in the IT industry.

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