how information technology helps in education

How Information Technology Helps in Education

In this post, we will explore more about how Information Technology helps in education. Continue reading to know more about the topic.

What is Information Technology?

Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers and other devices to store, process, transmit and secure data. IT companies help to develop software, hardware, networking equipment, and cloud technology, which makes it possible to access information almost instantly.

How Information Technology Helps in Education

Education is the process by which knowledge and skills are transferred from one generation to the other. This transfer happens in a variety of ways, including face-to-face learning, distance learning, and e-learning. Education also helps in the development of the personal and social abilities of an individual. It helps a person in making his or her way in society and life.

Moreover, Information Technology has changed the world and its education process too. It has become a vital part of the educational system. Information Technology also helps in education by providing students with technology tools that help them to learn and share information more effectively. 

The following are the ways by which Information Technology has helped in education:

• Improves Communication

Information Technology improves communication through voice messaging, emails, and video conferencing. So, students can communicate with teachers/colleagues/peers easily as they have access to email and learning management systems.

• Online Tests

These days there are many online courses available for students which help them in learning different subjects at different levels. These courses are available for free on websites such as Coursera, edX, Udemy, etc., where students can easily enroll themselves to study these courses at their convenience. These courses also help them gain certificates upon successful completion of these courses.

• E-learning

The traditional ways of learning have been replaced by E-learning which will help students learn at their own time from anywhere from any part of the world through the internet with e-books, videos, webinars, etc.

• One-on-One Learning

With the help of technology, one can learn by watching teachers on video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo, who answer questions and solve problems about different subjects. This makes it easier for students to learn at their own pace and time, who otherwise may not be able to have access to quality teachers or institutes due to financial constraints or geographical location.

• Virtual Classrooms

With the help of technology, classrooms have been transformed into virtual classrooms where students can attend lectures online through live web conferencing tools and video conferencing tools such as Skype or Google Hangouts, etc., while they connect with other students studying from other parts of the world on one platform during class hours.

Students can learn by practicing through simulations and by creating apps, projects, and websites. They can also learn by participating in online discussions on a forum. There are several online resources available through which students can get self-paced tutorials and practice problems.


The role of information technology has transformed education. It has come to the aid of those who cannot afford it otherwise. It has helped teachers by providing them a platform to share their knowledge with others while they help students in learning at their own pace, anywhere from anywhere.

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