learn cyber security

Learn Cyber Security – The Study Plan

Like other fields, you can learn cyber security on your own. But here’s a disclaimer: it’s not easy. Yet, it does not mean it’s impossible. 

There are various reasons why some people can’t learn cyber security in a formal classroom setting. Maybe they don’t have the money or time to do so. Others have a demanding work schedule. Some people’s work shifts change too often, making it impossible to attend classes regularly. Transportation is another barrier. 

Whatever your reason is, don’t let it stop you from learning cyber security. After all, you’ll need a lot of perseverance to succeed in the field. Thus, the learning path is a great way to develop that skill. These are the foundational steps on how to learn cyber security:

  • Determine specifically what you want to learn. 
  • Find learning resources and create a learning plan.
  • Systematically study that material every day. 

How to Get Started 

Determine what you want to learn 

This is the first phase of learning cybersecurity on your own. Do not skip past this phase. This step puts you on the right track and makes you more efficient with your time. 

As you probably know, there are lots of specialties in the cyber security field. Moreover, those specialties change and evolve all the time. Thus, you must conduct a self-assessment to identify what you really want. 

One way to make a better decision is to research what these jobs mean and their responsibilities. Look at job postings to get an idea and see if you can find professionals doing the job that you can talk to. 

Find quality resources 

Fortunately, it is possible to learn cyber security without breaking the bank. You’ll find lots of free or low-cost resources online. Some of those resources are Pluralsight and Udemy. Moreover, check your local library if they have cyber security books available. Make sure any content you choose is published three years ago or sooner. 

Determine what to learn first 

It is impossible to learn everything overnight. Furthermore, some topics require some sort of prerequisite to grasp. Try to find material that is on your level. As mentioned, there are tons of online courses available. Great beginner courses often start with the titles “Intro to Cybersecurity”, “Cybersecurity Essentials”, or something similar. 

The Study Plan 

Focus on one thing at a time.

By now you’ve realized the importance of focusing on one thing at a time. Cyber security is an intensive topic. It can get difficult sometimes. Thus, make sure you have mastered a topic before moving on. It is a good idea to use multiple resources, but use them all to reinforce the same topic. 

Read one hour every morning

Creating a daily habit of reading guarantees success. Dedicate one hour of reading every day. It is best to read in the morning so you make it the priority that it needs to be. 

Turn off the TV 

There is a lot of distractions when learning cyber security on your own. Most people spend too much time watching TV or any other mindless screen watching. Honestly assess the time you waste on such recreation, and cut that in half. Then, use that half you just saved to learn cyber security. 

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