cybersecurity definition

The Cybersecurity Definition

Have you ever wondered about the cybersecurity definition? Have you ever also asked yourself about that? If so, this article will surely help you.

Read on to learn more.

Cybersecurity Definition

It is the practice of protecting:

  • computers
  • servers
  • mobile devices
  • electronic systems
  • networks
  • data 

from malicious attacks. 

It is also known as information technology security. The term also fits in different contexts. May it be from business to mobile computing. 

This can be divided into common categories.

Cybersecurity Common Categories

End-user education

It directs the most random cyber-security factor: people. Anyone can also casually enter a virus into a secure system. How? By not following good security practices. 

Teaching users to:

  • delete suspicious email attachments
  • not plug in unidentified USB drives, and 
  • various other important lessons 

is essential also for the security of any organization.

Operational Security

It covers the processes in protecting data assets. The following also falls under this umbrella:

  • First, permissions users have when accessing a network 
  • Second, procedures that determine how data may be store
  • Third, and where the data may be share

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

It defines how a business reacts to a cyber-security incident. Or any other event that also causes the loss of data. 

Disaster recovery policies also direct how the company recovers its operations and information. For them to return also to the same operating capacity as before. 

Business continuity is the plan the team makes. While also trying to go without some resources.

Application Security

It focuses on keeping software and devices clear from threats. A compromised application could also provide access to the data. 

Strong security begins in the design stage. So before a program or device is used.

Information Security

It guards the integrity and privacy of data. Both also in storage and in transit.

Network security

It is the method of guarding a computer network. From intruders, whether targeted attackers or malware.

Types of cyber threats

  1. Cyber-attack. Includes politically motivated data collection.
  2. Cybercrime. Includes single actors or groups targeting systems. For them to gain financially or cause disruption.
  3. Cyberterrorism. Designed to dig electronic systems. To cause panic or fear.

How to protect yourself against cyberattacks?

Here are our top cyber safety tips:

  1. Avoid using unsecured WiFi networks in public places. Unsecure networks will also let you be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
  2. Do not open email attachments from senders you do not know. Because these could bring malware. That will also make you infected
  3. Do not click on links in emails from senders you do not know. Or anything that seems unfamiliar to you. It is the easiest way that malware is also spread.
  4. Update your software and operating system: In this way, you also benefit from the most advanced security options.
  5. Use strong and secure passwords: Make sure that your passwords are not easily guessable.
  6. Use anti-virus software: Security solutions will discover and removes threats. Keep also your software updated. For the best level of security.

Security programs continue to grow new support. Cyber-security professionals also identify new threats. And they also find new ways to fight them. 

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