threats to information security

Threats To Information Security

Today, there are so many threats to information security. And we must know about these. Or else, we can’t prevent them.

So, what are these threats? Read on to learn more.

What Are Threats To Information Security?

Before we talk about the threats, let us know their meaning first. What is a threat?

A threat is anything that harms information. So, hackers can take advantage of that.

Also, these bad people will try to change or remove the information. So, it is important to prevent these from happening.

But how? One way is to know them. As a result, you’ll know how to fight against them.

So, what are these threats?

List of Threats To Information Security

In this article, we will discuss the following threats to information security.

  1. Software attack
  2. Malware of infection
  3. Malware of action
  4. New generation threats

Threats To Information Security Explained

Software Attack

What is a software attack?

A software attack is a serious threat to applications. It includes the following:

  • virus
  • form
  • trojan horse


What is malware?

Malware is a short word for malicious software. So, it is an app that infects a computer.

It also has two types:

  1. infection
  2. action

Malware of infection

Malware of infection has four types:

  1. Virus. It copies itself to your files and apps. Then, it infects them.
  2. Worms. It also copies itself to files and apps. Then, it will slow down the computer.
  3. Trojan horse. It hides in a reliable app. After activating the app, it then steals the information.
  4. Bots. It controls a network completely. So, it affects the whole server.

Malware of action

A malware of action has six types:

  1. Spyware. True to its name, it spies on your computer. Then, it studies what you do. So, it sends the information to another person.
  2. Adware. It is malware coming from ads. Also, it monitors your activities. So, a hacker can leak your privacy.
  3. Ransomware. It is still malware that asks for a ransom. First, it steals your data. Then, it locks your computer. And you can only take your data back if you pay them.
  4. Scareware. It is another malware that acts as a good app. First, it fixes an issue. But after activated, it infects your computer. Then, it scares you to pay for them.
  5. Rootkits. It enters your root and user systems. Then, it steals files and data.
  6. Zombies. Like spyware, it steals information.

New Generation Threats To Information Security

Today, there are new generation threats. What are these?

It has five types:

  1. Outdated security app. It means not updating apps. So, it is at risk for viruses.
  2. Weak security. It means not a secured network. So, threats can bypass them. Then, hackers can steal your information.
  3. Social media attacks. Now, hackers use social media to attack. Then, they steal information.
  4. PhishingIt forces you to give information. But, you will not know it. For example, someone you may know or a company sends you an email. And if you click it, it contains a virus.
  5. Mobile malware. It is another malware but installed on mobile. Hackers would encourage someone to download a video game. But, it has a virus.

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