cybersecurity trends

Cybersecurity Trends

The digital change made firms rely so much on digital technologies. And cybersecurity trends are holding up each year.

So, what will we see in 2021?

Let us dig deeper into that in this article.

Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

Automotive Hacking

The first trend to grow will be automotive hacking. Why? Because more and more wheels now have automated software. What is this?

This makes connectivity to let operators do:

  • journey control
  • motor timing
  • door lock
  • airbags
  • driver support

Also, these vehicles use Bluetooth and WiFi techs. As a result, it acts preparing for hackers to get into.

And that is more right for self-driving cars. As it uses a more compact tool.

AI and Cybersecurity

Many techs are now doing artificial intelligence (AI). With this, techs become more important. Like image recognition, RPA, and more.

So, it is not a wonder that using AI with cybersecurity is now growing a trend. Thus, it brought a lot of changes. Especially being linked with machine learning.

Thus, it is helping develop security systems like:

  • face discovery
  • natural language processing
  • automatic threat detection

Also, it can help foretell new charges. Then, it will notify admins of any data crime in real-time.

Mobile as the New Target

In 2019, there was a growth in malware charges for mobile banking. Making our phones a prime spot for hackers.

But that will grow more true this year. The rise of the pandemic also meant the start of work at home. Thus, we now use our mobile devices even extra.

So, more hackers will find it to be an easier spot. Also, it has a lot of precious data. Like our photos, financial transactions, emails, and more.

IoT with 5G: New Risks

New techs mean new dangers. As 5G is rolling out faster, devices are planning to be 5G-ready.

And more Internet of Things (IoT) devices are doing so. Thus, starting up a new time of connectivity.

But IoT devices using 5G networks are open to more vulnerabilities from:

  • outside force
  • attacks
  • unknown software bug

Why is this so? Because 5G is still fresh. So, we do not yet know its whole skills and weak joints.

State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

Even until this year, there is no type of stoppage between nations wanting to up the other. So, they are seeing for ways to be better.

Thus, lands are and will be adding on cyberattacks. Western and eastern powers will join in stronger cyber warfare.

How will they do this? By causing noise during choices. For one, they can change results on electronic votings done. So that they can change the effects.

To do this, we can assume a lot of high-profile data violations. Then, more political and industrial codes will top the cybersecurity trend this year.

Cybersecurity Trends

So, these are some of the trends that are rising and will last to grow this year. But there are a lot more other trends other than these. Can you think of some? What are your plans?

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