information security and risk management

Information Security And Risk Management

Today, there are so many risks. So, information security in risk management is very important.

But, why is that so? Also, how can it affect us?

Read on to learn more.

Importance of Risk Management in Information Security

Obviously, we need to protect our personal information. Or else, other people will take advantage of it. So, it will harm us.

But, why is information security related to this?

InfoSec protects our information. And it includes both digital and physical.

We want to secure our names and addresses. So, people won’t steal our identity.

We also want to protect our credit and bank information. So, hackers can’t steal our money.

Besides, we know how bad these hackers are. They can even sell this information to even more bad people.

Worse, it will result in a loss of income for companies. So, it can ruin their reputation. And they can even stop what they’re doing.

So, risk management in information security is really important.

Risk Management in Information Security Defined

Information Security Risk Management or ISRM is like a security plan. And because it’s a plan, it should be done before an incident.

So, how does this plan work?

First, it determines the possible risks. Then, it studies how to avoid these.

So when an incident happens, companies can lessen the damage.

So, ISRM is important. Without these, it would be hard to survive infosec threats.

Then, what does the ISRM include? It has five factors:

  1. Threat factor: what causes the threats
  2. Vulnerability: what the threats are
  3. Outcomes: results of vulnerabilities, also known as security incidents
  4. Impact: bad effect of security incidents
  5. Asset: results of the affected information

Then, how can you build your ISRM?

Continue to read on.

How to Build Your Risk Management in Information Security

In building your ISRM, there are six steps. These include:

  1. Identify
  2. Protect
  3. Apply
  4. Control
  5. Assign
  6. Monitor

Identify the assets and risks.

First, it’s important to know what’s important to you. So, you know what you need to protect.

It’s also important to learn about the risks. And it includes the following areas:

  • physical
  • technical
  • personnel-related
  • environmental

Protect what you have to.

Now, you know what’s important to you. The next thing is to protect them. But how?

Here are some steps:

  1. Train your employees.
  2. Set controls.
  3. Apply passwords.

Apply security rules.

Next, it’s important to apply rules. And it may include:

  1. Reviewing the danger.
  2. Making new controls.
  3. Using tools.
  4. Installing alerts.

Control and evaluate the steps.

Now, it doesn’t end in applying controls. It’s also vital to evaluate them always.

To do this, here are some suggestions:

  1. Add and update apps.
  2. Be alert about notifications.
  3. Test security if it still works.

Assign the right people.

It is also necessary to assign controls. But, it should be to the right people. 

Besides, the right people will help lessen the damage. So, they can give quick actions.

Monitor the activities.

If you made it until this step, you’ve done a great job. But, this last step is the most important one. Why?

Without monitoring, the five steps can be outdated. So, it will be useless.

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